Mihai Beniuc - ULTIMA SCRISOARE (recita Florian PITTIS)

Etichete: ,

Sfarsitul a venit fara de veste.
Esti fericita? Vad ca porti inel.
Am inteles. Voi trage dunga peste
Nadejdea inutila. Fa la fel.
Nici un cuvant. Nu-mi spune ca-i o forma,
Cunosc insemnatatea ei deplin.
Stiu, voi aveti in viata alta norma,
Eu insa-n fata normei nu ma-nchin.
Nu te mai cant in versuri niciodata,
In drumul tau mai mult nu am sa ies,
Nu-ti fac reprosuri, nu esti vinovata
Si n-am sa spun ca nu m-ai inteles.
A fost desigur numai o greseala,
Putea sa fie mult, nimic n-a fost.
In vesnicia mea de plictiseala
Tot nu-mi inchipui ca puneai un rost.
Si totusi, totusi, cateva atingeri
Au fost de-ajuns sa-mi deie ameteli,
Vadeam vazduhul fluturand de ingeri,
Lumina-n seara mea de indoieli.
Cand degete de Midas am pus magic
Pe frageda fiinta ta de lut,
Suna in mine murmurul pelagic
Al sfintelor creatii de-nceput.
Vedeam cum peste vremuri se inalta
Statuia ta de aur greu, masiv,
Cum serioase veacuri se descalta
Si-ngenuncheate randuri submisiv
La soclul tau dumnezeisc asteapta
Sa le intinzi un zambet linistit
Spre sarutare adorata dreapta,
‘Nainte de-a se sterge-n infinit.
O, de-am fi stat alaturi doar o ora,
Ai fi ramas in auriul vis
Ca o eterna, roza, aurora
De ne-nteles, de nedescris.
Ireversibil s-a-ncheiat povestea
Si nici nu stiu de ai sa mai citesti
Din intamplare randurile-acestea
In care-as vrea sa fii ce nu mai esti.
N-am sa strivesc eu visul sub picioare,
N-am sa patez cu vorbe ce mi-i drag.
As fi putut sa spun : « Esti ca oricare” ...
Dar nu vreau in noroaie sa ma bag.
De-ar fi mocirla-n jurul tau cat haul,
Tu vei ramane nufarul de nea
Ce-l oglindeste beat de pofte taul,
Ce-l tine candid amintirea mea.
Vei fi acolo vesnic ne-ntinata,
Te voi iubi mereu fara cuvant,
Si lumea n-o sa stie niciodata
De ce nu pot mai mult femei sa cant.
Acolo, sub lumina de mister,
Scaldata-n apa visurilor lina,
Vei sta iubita ca-ntr-un colt de cer
O stea de seara blanda si senina.
Si cand viata va fi rea cu tine,
Cand au sa te improaste cu noroi,
Tu fugi in lumea visului la mine,
Vom fi atuncea singuri amandoi.
Cu lacrimi voi spala eu orice pata,
Cu versuri nemai scrise te magai.
In dulcea lor cadenta leganata,
Te vei simti ca-n visul cel dintai.
Iar de va fi (cum simt mereu de-o vreme)
Sa plec de-aicea de la voi curand,
Cand glasul tau vreodat-o sa ma cheme,
Voi reveni la tine din mormant.
Si dac-ar fi sa nu se poata trece
Pe veci pecetluitele hotare
M-as zbate-ngrozitor in tarna rece,
Plangand in noaptea mare, tot mai mare.


Pentru cei care au plecat - IRIS - Lacrimi de roua


In memoriam:
- Laura Stoica
- Florian Pittis
- Adrian Pintea
- Ralu Filip
- Jeana Gheorghiu
- Teo Peter


Pasarea Colibri - Vanare De Vant


How many roads must a man walk down before you call him a man?
How many seas must a white dove sail before she sleeps in the sand?
How many times must the cannonballs fly before they are forever banned?

The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind,
The answer is blowing in the wind.

Cate drumuri un om ar avea de facut pana ei sa-l considere om?
Cate mari pescarusii mai au de batut pana ajung pe nisip pentru somn?
Cate bombe vor mai sfarteca vieti intregi pan' sa le interzicem pe veci?

Raspunsul prieteni e vanare de vant,
Raspunsu-i vanare de vant.

Cati ani poate un munte in lume trai pana marea sa-l spele intr-o zi?
Si cati ani si oamenii pot vietui pana liber permis le-a fi?
De cate ori omul vede un rau si tace intorcand capul sau?


De cate ori omul in sus va privi pana cerul sa-l vada-ndeajuns?
Cat de multe urechi necesare le sunt ca sa auda al drumurilor vant?
Cati mai au de murit ca sa afla in sfarsit ca oameni prea multi au murit.



Miri Mesika - Lesham (Israel)



Nancy Ajram - Enta Eih



Asala - Qatar



Mehrdad Jaavid - Baagh Khiyali (Iran)



Miras (Iran)



Hayfa Wahbi si Ragheb Allama (Liban)



Haifa Wahbi - Rajab (Liban)



Rita- until you'll leave [Ad Sheta'azov]



Rita (Israel)


Atat ne-au imbacsit manelele incat am ajus sa confundam muzia orientala cu manelele.
btw: etimologia cuvantului Manea-->> vine de la grecescul MANI (a improviza).
so? se pot numi manele??
so.. am gasit niste melodi orientale si am sa le postez aici.
Nu turcesti. Melodii din Orientul Mijlociu: Liban, Israel, Irac, Iran, etc...
O sa va dati seama cat de putine stiati despre aceste tari...

Etichete: ,

Barack Obama:I want to thank all of you for your time,
your suggestions, your encouragement, and your prayers.
And i look forward to continuing our conversation
in the weeks and months to come.

Obama girl:

Hey b, it’s me. if you're there, pick up.
I was just watching you on c-span. [sigh] anyway, call me back.

You seem to float onto the floor
Democratic convention 2004
I never wanted anybody more
Than i want you
So i put down my kerry sign
Knew i had to make you mine
So black and sexy, you're so fine
'cause i've got a crush on obama

I cannot wait, 'til 2008
Baby you're the best candidate
I like it when you get hard
On hillary in debate
Why don't you pick up your phone?
'cause i've got a crush on obama
I cannot wait, 'til 2008
Baby you're the best candidate
Of the new oval office
You'll get your head of state
I can't leave you alone
'cause i've got a crush on obama

You're into border security
Let's break this border between you and me
Universal healthcare reform
It makes me warm
You tell the truth unlike the right
You can love but you can fight
You can barack me tonight
I've got a crush on obama

I cannot wait, 'til 2008
Baby you’re the best candidate
I like it when you get hard
On hillary in debate
Why don't you pick up your phone?
'cause i've got a crush on obama
I cannot wait, 'til 2008
Baby you’re the best candidate
Of the new oval office
You'll get your head of state
I can't leave you alone
'cause i've got a crush on obama

B to the a to the r-a-c-k-o-b-a-m-a (barack obama)
'cause i've got a crush on obama


Trace Adkins - Arlington



I never thought that this is where I'd settle down,
I thought I'd die an old man back in my hometown,
They gave me this plot of land, me and some other men,
for a job well done.

There's a big white house sits on a hill just up the road,
The man inside he cried the day they brought me home,
They folded up a flag, and told my mom and dad, 'We're proud of your son'.

And I'm proud to be on this peaceful piece of property,
I'm on sacred ground and I'm in the best of company,
I'm thankful for those thankful for the things I've done,
I can rest in peace, I'm one of the chosen ones,
I made it to Arlington.

I remember daddy brought me here when I was eight,
We searched all day to find out where my granddad lay,
And when we finally found that cross,
He said, 'Son this is what it cost, to keep us free'.
Now here I am a thousand stones away from him,
He recognized me on the first day I came in,
And it gave me a chill, when he clicked his heels, and saluted me.

And I'm proud to be on this peaceful piece of property,
I'm on sacred ground and I'm in the best of company,
And I'm thankful for those thankful for the things I've done,
I can rest in peace, I'm one of the chosen ones,
I made it to Arlington.

And every time I hear, twenty-one guns,
I know they brought another hero home, to us.

We're thankful for those thankful for the things we've done,
We can rest in peace, 'cause we were the chosen ones,
We made it to Arlington, yea, dust to dust
Don't cry for us, we made it to Arlington.


Trace Adkins - Help Me Understand

Etichete: ,

Once in a lifetime
You'll open up your heart
Maybe once in your lifetime
You'll swear to never be apart
You think your love's on solid ground
Then out of the blue, it all comes tumblin' down

Who's gonna hold me tonight
When I'm feeling lonely
Who's gonna show me the light
'Cause I need to know
With all the things we've go
How can love just stop
Tell Me
Somebody help me understand

And my picture in your locket
What will you do with it now
All our friends and all our memories
Tell me how we sort them out
What's yours is yours
What's mine is mine
Is that all that's left
After all this time

Who's gonna hold me tonight
When I'm feeling lonely
Who's gonna show me the light
'Cause I need to know
With all the things we've go
How can love just stop
Tell Me
Somebody help me understand

Help me understand
Why I'm not part of our plan
And you don't need me anymore
Help me understand
Why I still wanna be where you are
Even though I know in my hear
You don't love me anymore

Who's gonna hold me tonight
When I'm feeling lonely
Who's gonna show me the light
'Cause I need to know
With all the things we've go
How can love just stop
Tell Me
Somebody help me understand


Trace Adkins - Honky Tonk Badonkadonk


Turn it up some
Alright boys, this is her favorite song
You know that right
So, if we play it good and loud
She might get up and dance again
Ooh, she put her beer down
Here she comes
Here she comes
Left left left right left

Husslers shootin' eightball
Throwin' darts at the wall
Feelin' damn near 10 ft. tall
Here she comes, Lord help us all
Ol' T.W.'s girlfriend done slapped him outta his chair
Poor ole boy, it ain't his fault
It's so hard not to stare
At that honky tonk badonkadonk
Keepin' perfect rhythm
Make ya wanna swing along
Got it goin' on
Like Donkey Kong
And whoo-wee
Shut my mouth, slap your grandma
There outta be a law
Get the Sheriff on the phone
Lord have mercy, how's she even get them britches on
That honky tonk badonkadonk
(Aww son)

Now Honey, you can't blame her
For what her mama gave her
It ain't right to hate her
For workin' that money-maker
Band shuts down at two
But we're hangin' out till three
We hate to see her go
But love to watch her leave
With that honky tonk badonkadonk
Keepin' perfect rhythm
Make ya wanna swing along
Got it goin' on
Like Donkey Kong
And whoo-wee
Shut my mouth, slap your grandma
There outta be a law
Get the Sheriff on the phone
Lord have mercy, how's she even get them britches on
With that honky tonk badonkadonk
(Ooh, that's what I'm talkin' bout right there, honey)

We don't care bout the drinkin'
Barely listen to the band
Our hands, they start a shakin'
When she gets the urge to dance
Drivin' everybody crazy
You think you fell in love
Boys, you better keep your distance
You can look but you can't touch
That honkey tonk badonkadonk
Keepin' perfect rhythm
Make ya wanna swing along
Got it goin' on
Like Donkey Kong
And whoo-wee
Shut my mouth, slap your grandma
There outta be a law
Get the Sheriff on the phone
Lord have mercy, how's she even get them britches on
That honky tonk badonkadonk

That honky tonk badonkadonk
Yeah, that honky tonk badonkadonk

(That's it, right there boys, that's why we do what we do
It ain't for the money, it ain't for the glory, it ain't for the free whiskey
It's for the badonkadonk)


Trace Adkins - Songs About Me

Etichete: , ,

I met a guy on the red eye
He spotted my guitar
And said what do you do?
I said, I sing for a living,
Country music mixed with
A little rock and a little blues
He said I'm sorry
But I've never been crazy
'bout that twang and trains and hillbilly thing
What ever made you want to sing stuff like that?
I just looked at him and laughed and said

Cause it's songs about me
And who I am
Songs about loving and living
And good hearted women and family and God
Yeah they're all just
Songs about me
Songs about me

So I offered him tickets
I said you'll see what I mean
If you show up tonight
He said I doubt you'll change my opinion
I'll be kind of busy, but hey man, I'll try

Then later on when we finished our songs
About scars and cars and broken hearts
I saw him, he was standing there
Right next to the stage
And he shouted
Man you were right
It was like you sang those

Songs about me
And who I am
Songs about loving and living
And good hearted women and family and God
Yeah they're all just
Songs about me
Songs about me

So I'll just keep on singing
'til I hear the whole world singing those

Songs about me
And who I am
Songs about loving and living
And good hearted women and family and God
Yeah they're all just
Songs about me
Songs about me


I never thought that this is where I'd settle down,
I thought I'd die an old man back in my hometown,
They gave me this plot of land, me and some other men,
for a job well done.

There's a big white house sits on a hill just up the road,
The man inside he cried the day they brought me home,
They folded up a flag, and told my mom and dad, 'We're proud of your son'.

And I'm proud to be on this peaceful piece of property,
I'm on sacred ground and I'm in the best of company,
I'm thankful for those thankful for the things I've done,
I can rest in peace, I'm one of the chosen ones,
I made it to Arlington.

I remember daddy brought me here when I was eight,
We searched all day to find out where my granddad lay,
And when we finally found that cross,
He said, 'Son this is what it cost, to keep us free'.
Now here I am a thousand stones away from him,
He recognized me on the first day I came in,
And it gave me a chill, when he clicked his heels, and saluted me.

And I'm proud to be on this peaceful piece of property,
I'm on sacred ground and I'm in the best of company,
And I'm thankful for those thankful for the things I've done,
I can rest in peace, I'm one of the chosen ones,
I made it to Arlington.

And every time I hear, twenty-one guns,
I know they brought another hero home, to us.

We're thankful for those thankful for the things we've done,
We can rest in peace, 'cause we were the chosen ones,
We made it to Arlington, yea, dust to dust
Don't cry for us, we made it to Arlington.


Trace Adkins - Your Gonna Miss This

Etichete: , ,

She was staring out the window of their SUV
Complaning, saying "I can't wait to turn 18"
She said "I'll make my own money, and I'll make my own rules"
Mamma put the car in park out there in front of the school
Then she kissed her head and said "I was just like you"

You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this

Before she knows it she's a brand new bride
In a one-bedroom apartment, and her daddy stops by
He tells her "It's a nice place"
She says "It'll do for now"
Starts talking about babies and buying a house
Daddy shakes his head and says "Baby, just slow down"

Cause you're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this

Five years later there's a plumber workin' on the water heater
Dog's barkin', phone's ringin'
One kid's cryin', one kid's screamin'
And she keeps apologizin'
He says "They don't bother me.
I've got 2 babies of my own.
One's 36, one's 23.
Huh, it's hard to believe, but...

You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this"


Ishai Levy - Isha Nemana (femeia credincioasa )

Etichete: , , , , , ,

Piesa este se numeste Isha Nemana si in ivrit inseamna Femeie credincioasa (fidela).

Este cantata de Ishai Levy un cantaret de 50 de ani, care drogat si-a batut cu sotia si a fost inchis. In inchisoare a compus acesta piesa pentru sotia sa. Nu am gasit versurile in engleza, sau scrise in ivrit dar cu caractere latine astfel inca sa completez aici. sper sa le gasesc.

Alte video cu Ishai Levy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0p0oPqys1k