Richard Thompson - Strange Affair - Germany 1980

This is a strange affair
The time has come to travel but the road is filled with fear
This is a strange affair
My youth has all been wasted and I'm bent and grey with years
And all my companions are taken away
And who will provide for me against my dying day
I took my own provision, but it fooled me and wasted away

Oh where are my companions?
My mother, father, lover, friend, and enemy
Where are my companions?
They're prisoners of death now, and taken far from me
And where are the dreams I dreamed in the days of my youth
They took me to illusion when they promised me the truth
And what do sleepers need to make them listen,
Why do they need more proof?
This is a strange, this is a strange affair

Won't you give me an answer?
Why is your heart so hard towards the one who loves you best?
When the man with the answer
Has wakened you, and warned you, and called you to the test
Wake up from your sleep that builds like clouds upon your eyes
And win back the life you had that's now a dream of lies
Turn your back on yourself and if you follow,
You'll win the lover's prize
This is a strange, this is a strange affair
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Richard Thompson - Dad's Gonna Kill Me (2007)

Etichete: , , ,


Out in the desert there's a soldier lying dead
Vultures pecking the eyes out of his head
Another day that could have been me there instead
Nobody loves me here
Nobody loves me here

Dad's Gonna Kill Me
Dad's Gonna Kill Me

You hit the booby trap and you're in pieces
With every bullet your risk increases
Old Ali Baba, he's a different species
Nobody loves me here
Nobody loves me here

Dad's Gonna Kill Me
Dad's Gonna Kill Me

I'm dead meat in my HumV Frankenstein
I hit the road block, God knows I never hit the mine
The dice rolled and I got lucky this time

Dad's Gonna Kill Me
Dad's Gonna Kill Me

I've got a wife, a kid, another on the way
I might get home if I can live through today
Before I came out here I never used to pray
Nobody loves me here
Nobody loves me here

Dad's Gonna Kill Me

Dad's in a bad mood, Dad's got the blues
It's someone else's mess that I didn't choose
At least we're winning on the Fox Evening News
Nobody loves me here

Dad's Gonna Kill Me
Dad's Gonna Kill Me

Dawn Patrol went out and didn't come back
Hug the wire and pray like I told you, Mac
Or they'll be shovelling bits of you into a sack

Dad's Gonna Kill Me.

And who's that stranger walking in my dreams
And whose that stranger cast a shadow 'cross my heart
And who's that stranger, I dare speak his name
Must be old Death a-walking
Must be old Death a-walking

Dad's Gonna Kill Me

7 muzzle monkeys standing in a row
Standing waiting for The Sandbox to blow
Sitting targets in the wild west show

Nobody loves me here

Dad's Gonna Kill Me

Another angel got his wings this week
Charbroiled with his own Willie Pete
Nobody's dying if you speak double-speak

Dad's Gonna Kill Me
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"As the swift bird flies o'er the mountain,
How we wish we were there at his wing,
Closer by far to a friend we have lost;
We remember the King.

We remem (we remem) ber the King.
We recall (we recall) everything.
We will treasure all of the gifts that he did bring,
We remember the King.

And when shadows fall in the valley,
To that precious memory we cling.
Like a spark that ignites,
And his flame still shines bright

As we remember the King

We remem (we remem) ber the King.
We recall (we recall) everything.
We will treasure all of the gifts that he did bring,
We remember the King.

We remem (we remem) ber the King.
We recall (we recall) everything.
We will treasure all of the gifts that he did bring,
We remember the King.

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Johnny Cash - 'Hurt"


I hurt myself today
to see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
the only thing that's real
the needle tears a hole
the old familiar sting
try to kill it all away
but I remember everything
what have I become?
my sweetest friend
everyone I know
goes away in the end
and you could have it all
my empire of dirt

I will let you down
I will make you hurt

I wear this crown of thorns
upon my liar's chair
full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
beneath the stains of time
the feelings disappear
you are someone else
I am still right here

what have I become?
my sweetest friend
everyone I know
goes away in the end
and you could have it all
my empire of dirt

I will let you down
I will make you hurt

if I could start again
a million miles away
I would keep myself
I would find a way

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Leasa Dragos – Diferente

Noi beam brifcor mancam topic topi-top sau jelibon
Ei se stramba cand aud de crina sau bonibon
In timp ce noi radeam la glume ei zic doar un simplu LOL
Ei nu se mai joaca frunza, nici tzarile sau shotron
Noi jucam leapsa pe coco, ratele si vanatorii
Noi nu ne jucam fifa ci fotbal in curtea scolii
Noi jucam lapte gros, turul frantzei, baba oarba
Ei au altele in cap atunci cand aud de "capra"
Noi ceream prietenia ei converseaza pe mess
Ei nu mai rosesc ca noi cand e vorba despre sex
Noi nu ne duceam in mall ci doar la cofetarie
Beam tec si mancam din aceeasi farfurie
Noi nu ne dadeam email noi ne trimiteam scrisori
Ne dadeam felicitari nu mass-uri de sarbatori
Nu dau eu verdicte si-habar n-am ce credeti voi
Dar copiii de azi parca-s mult mai tristi ca noi

Eram la o bere-n fatza - anu' trecut
2 copii mancau bomboane in fatza scarii razand
Toate bune si frumoase pana ii vad aruncand
Punga de bomboane plina si pe ei plecand
Imi venea sa-i strang de gat
Sa le spun: In p**a mea
Noi plangeam o saptamana fiindca mama nu ne lua
Iar voi plecati, o aruncati va doare fix in c*r de ea
De vine-s cei ce v-au crescut fiindca nu stiti cum era...
Versuri Leasa Dragos - Diferente
de pe http://www.versuri.ro

Cand venea ora 5 iesea toata lume-afara
Si-ncepeam numaratoarea fara sa stim ce inseamna
Antante dizemane pe dizemane compane antante
Ne-ascundeam de parintzi sa nu ne vada ca bem apa
Cand veneam transpirati dup-o noua zi de joaca
Noi citeam Ciresarii, amintirile lui Creanga
Adormeam fericiti ascultand povesti pe placa
Ne uitam la diafilme cu Turtitza Fermecata
Sandy Bell pentru toti era vedeta preferata
Era mare sarbatoare cand mancam o ciocolata
Buna, rea, mica, mare n-avea cum sa nu iti placa
Privind in urm-acum toate astea parca
Sunt povesti de demult care incep cu-"a fost o data"
Poate-s io nostalgic si-habar n-am ce credeti voi
Dar copiii de azi parca-s mult mai tristi ca noi

Eram la o bere-n fatza - anu' trecut
2 copii in fatza scarii se jucau tenis razand
Toate bune si frumoase pana la ultimul sut
Am vazut mingea-n gradina si pe ei plecand
Imi venea sa-i strang de gat
Sa le spun: In p**a mea
Noi plangeam o saptamana atunci cand ni se spargea
Iar voi plecati o aruncati va doare fix in c*r de ea
De vine-s cei ce v-au crescut fiindca nu stitï cum era...