Joe Satriani- I believe


Ive been out walking for hours.
Ive got something on my mind.
How did we get here? where are we going?
And why is life so hard?

Joe Satriani- I believe
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I read the stories, see the photographs.
Worlds in a crazy space.
Ive got to hold on to my dreams;
Theres just no other place.
Theres just no other place.

I believe
We can change anything.
I believe
We can rise above this.
I believe
Theres a reason for everything.
I believe
In my dream.

Ive seen the shadows of the living.
Seen them turn and walk away.
And I keep searching for the right words
To send these thoughts away.

Theres a picture I like to look at,
A picture of a beautiful face.
And I see something in her eyes,
Sends me to a better place.
Sends me to a better place.


I believe
We can change anything.
I believe
In my dream.

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Ajuta-l pe Razvan :: Povestea lui Razvan

Ajuta-l pe Razvan :: Povestea lui Razvan: "n ziua de 28 decembrie 2008, timpul s-a oprit pentru Raluca si Razvan Zainescu. Se aflau la Cluj, la socrii lui Razvan, si se pregateau de Sarbatori. Planuisera sa mearga cu nasii la un restaurant si sa se simta bine intre prieteni. Nenorocirea i-a lovit din senin.In timp ce dormea la pranz, Razvan a fost cuprins de convulsii. In 15 minute a ajuns un echipaj SMURD, iar in clipa in care doctorii au intrat in casa, lui Razvan i s-a oprit respiratia. A fost nevoie de 40 de minute de resuscitare si de sase injectii cu adrenalina in inima pentru a-l readuce la viata, timp in care creierul s-a aflat in hipoxie ( slaba oxigenare ). Razvan a intrat in coma profunda – coma 3 pe scala Glasgow ( scala Glasgow noteaza de la 3 la 15, in care sub 3 nu exista decat moarte clinica iar 15 inseamna starea unui om normal)."