Dan Balan - Chica bomb


"Dan Balan - Chica bomb"

"I have to turn the fan on
The heat is getting stronger
I know im not the only one
Im sweatin' Im sweatin'

I start to take my clothes off
And hope that i feel better
I put in a thermometer
Im burnin' Im burnin'

And then i looked around,
My head was spinnin' round,
Before i looked around, It hit me (x2)

Chorus: Chica Bomb (x7)
And then i
My head was
Before i looked
It hit me (x2)

I better call my doctor
Tell him about my fever
I know he'll fix my temperature
Im burnin' Im burnin'

And then i looked around,
My head was spinnin' round,
Before i looked around, It hit me (x2)

Chorus: Chica Bomb (x7)
And then i (Chica bomb)
My head was (Chica Bomb)
Before i looked (Chica Bomb)
It hit me (x2)
Chorus: Chica Bomb (x7)
And then i (Chica bomb)
My head was (Chica Bomb)
Before i looked (Chica Bomb)
It hït me (x2)"

peste 2.000.000 de afişări pe YouTube!


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gogol bordello - gipsy part of town


YouTube - gogol bordello - gipsy part of town

Gogol Bordello Gypsy Part of Town Lyrics:
Well I've been reading some texts in my dreams
They went for pages
And I've been watching the wolves
They broke out of cages

And how fallowing dirty old useless clown
Gadjo gets lost in a gypsy part of town...

So be I gagged or bound, lobotomized, sedated
[ Find more Lyrics on http://mp3lyrics.org/YHr ]
My foundations are too deep to penetrate it

And let your girl scouts lip-synch about the freedom
Just the way you like them, but you'll see them
Soon enough they all turn around
Soon enough you'll see them in a gypsy part of town...

I kept on reading the texts, they went for pages
I looked at the guards, they were burning stages
I smiled at the world, there will be some changes
I winked at the wolves and they broke out of cages
Lets go... Kuravla


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YouTube - Gogol Bordello-I Would Never Wanna Be Young Again (A Tribute)


YouTube - Gogol Bordello-I Would Never Wanna Be Young Again (A Tribute)

By the desperate 'n' confused
Emotion of the youth
I was brought to Crisis land
Where after getting checked for fleas
And barricades of embassies
I was sculpted to be overworked and silent
But since the early age
I broke out of the cage
And learned how to make marching drums
From a fish can

And I knew I'll run away
And so without further delay
I said "Two tears in a bucket
Motherfuck it!"
And it seems like I ran and ran
Through the garbage and quicksand
And after getting checked for fleas
and barricades of embassies
I would never never never never
wanna be young again!...
But sudden wind it stole my hat
And I went on chasing it
Before I was just another burned out carnie
Every freak on every day
Lives a life one certain way
And that way is ain't no nothin' but a birthright~
But since the early age
I broke out of the cage...
And it seems like I ran and ran
through the garbage and quicksand
and after getting checked for fleas
and barricades of embassies
I would never never never never
wanna be young again...


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Soledad Bravo - Hasta Siempre

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Hasta Siempre

Aprendimos a quererte
desde la histórica altura
donde el sol de tu bravura
le puso cerco a la muerte.


Aquí se queda la clara,
la entrañable transparencia,
de tu querida presencia
Comandante Che Guevara.

Tu mano gloriosa y fuerte
sobre la historia dispara
cuando todo Santa Clara
se despierta para verte.


Vienes quemando la brisa
con soles de primavera
para plantar la bandera
con la luz de tu sonrisa.


Tu amor revolucionario
te conduce a nueva empresa
donde esperan la firmeza
de tu brazo libertario.


Seguiremos adelante
como junto a ti seguimos
y con Fidel te decimos:
!Hasta siempre, Comandante!


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Gheorghe Dinica: Jalea


Maestrul s-a dus. aplauze petru cel care a fost Gheorghe Dinica.
Dumnezeu sa il odihneasca...



Bancuri pe mess: YouTube - Mai e timp


Joe Satriani- I believe


Ive been out walking for hours.
Ive got something on my mind.
How did we get here? where are we going?
And why is life so hard?

Joe Satriani- I believe
Vezi mai multe video din Muzica

I read the stories, see the photographs.
Worlds in a crazy space.
Ive got to hold on to my dreams;
Theres just no other place.
Theres just no other place.

I believe
We can change anything.
I believe
We can rise above this.
I believe
Theres a reason for everything.
I believe
In my dream.

Ive seen the shadows of the living.
Seen them turn and walk away.
And I keep searching for the right words
To send these thoughts away.

Theres a picture I like to look at,
A picture of a beautiful face.
And I see something in her eyes,
Sends me to a better place.
Sends me to a better place.


I believe
We can change anything.
I believe
In my dream.

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Ajuta-l pe Razvan :: Povestea lui Razvan

Ajuta-l pe Razvan :: Povestea lui Razvan: "n ziua de 28 decembrie 2008, timpul s-a oprit pentru Raluca si Razvan Zainescu. Se aflau la Cluj, la socrii lui Razvan, si se pregateau de Sarbatori. Planuisera sa mearga cu nasii la un restaurant si sa se simta bine intre prieteni. Nenorocirea i-a lovit din senin.In timp ce dormea la pranz, Razvan a fost cuprins de convulsii. In 15 minute a ajuns un echipaj SMURD, iar in clipa in care doctorii au intrat in casa, lui Razvan i s-a oprit respiratia. A fost nevoie de 40 de minute de resuscitare si de sase injectii cu adrenalina in inima pentru a-l readuce la viata, timp in care creierul s-a aflat in hipoxie ( slaba oxigenare ). Razvan a intrat in coma profunda – coma 3 pe scala Glasgow ( scala Glasgow noteaza de la 3 la 15, in care sub 3 nu exista decat moarte clinica iar 15 inseamna starea unui om normal)."


miley cyrus - when i look at you

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miley cyrus - when i look at you

Everybody needs inspiration
Everybody needs a soul
A beautiful melody
When the night's so long
Cause there is no guarantee
That this life is easy

Yeah, when my world is falling apart
When there's no light to break up the dark
That's when I, I, I look at you
When the waves are flooding the shore and I
Can't find my way home anymore
That's when I, I, I look at you

When I look at you
I see forgiveness
I see the truth
You love me for who I am
Like the stars hold the moon
Right there where they belong and I know
I'm not alone

Yeah, when my world is falling apart
When there's no light to break up the dark
That's when I, I, I look at you
When the waves are flooding the shore and I
Can't find my way home anymore
That's when I, I, I look at you

You, appear, just like a dream to me
Just like cyledoscope colors that
Prove to me
All I need
Every breath, that I breathe
Dontcha know?
Your beautiful

Yeah yeah..

When the waves are flooding the shore
And I cant find my way home anymore
Thats when I,
I I look at you
I look at you

Yeah yeah..
Oh oh..
You appear just like a dream to me.


Puya - Change

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Via Cabral [unde gasiti cateva comentarii si optiuni de vot]

Puya - Change
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Aha, ei 2009, doamnelor si domnilor
Va prezentam ceva absolut senzational
In exclusivitate pentru toata lumea!

I said no, this is not fair
Everybody is talking and I really don’t care
Why, is the world so big
I hope it’s just a dream

I said no, life’s not fair
I can change the world
Change the world, world.

Cand te faci mare ai vrea sa fii vedeta
Independeta, super inteligenta
Toata lumea apare la televizor
Se lasa filmati, chiar la ei in dormitor
Oricine poate fi actor ca nu e greu
Tre’ sa abordezi producatoru cu tupeu
Spitalu de nebuni are o gaura in gard
Ca multi fug si nu stiu cum dracu au scapat
Apar in prime-time fac urat dau …?
Producatorii isi freaca mainile cand se injura de mame
Circul Globus nu are cautare
Ce e la televizor e mult mai tare
Nu iti trebuie talent, iti trebuie o gura mare
Cu cat te faci mai mult de ras, rating-ul sare
Toti sunteti oripiliati
Dar stati, stati, stati
Si va uitati…

I said no, this is not fair
Everybody is talking and I really don’t care
Why, is the world so big
I hope it’s just a dream

I said no, life’s not fair
I, I, I can change the world
Change the world, world.

Nu vrem un Bora-Bora, vrem uite aici
E un parastas live cu coliva si multi mici
Adu floricele, o sticla de Cola
Lu’ vecina de la 3 i-a murit sora
Toata lumea e porno, toti sunt star pe val
Romancele sunt bune bune si mie-n haine imi sar
Iau televizoru o sal arunc pe geam
M-am saturat de vipurile astea puse pe scandal
Bine ai venit in direct cu toate crimele
Invitatul de astazi nu si-a luat pastilele
In timp ce altii ne fura sa-si faca vilele
Tu te uiti la TV, ei muta kilele
Daca maine ar porni un razboi, ar fi penal
Soldatii s-ar uita la a 5-a pagina din ziar
Nu o sa oprim nici un raid aerian,
Daca o sa ne atace cand e Inima de Tigan,

I said no, this is not fair
Everybody is talking and I really don’t care
Why, is the world so big
I hope is just a dream

I said no, life’s not fair
I, I, I can change the world
Change the world, world.

I said no, this is not fair
Everybody is talking and I really don’t care
Why, is the world so big
I hope is just a dream

I said no, life’s not fair
I, I, I can change the world
Change the world, world.

Tot ce e normal
Pentru ei e banal, deci prost
N-o s-apari pe post
Daca nu esti gay sau lesbi, n-are rost

Tot ce e normal
Pentru ei e banal, deci prost
N-o s-apari pe post
Daca nu esti gay sau lesbi, n-are rost


I said no, this is not fair
Everybody is talking and I really don’t care
Why, is the world so big
I hope is just a dream

I said no, life’s not fair
I, I, I can change the world
Change the world, world.

Tot ce e normal
Pentru ei e banal, deci prost
N-o s-apari pe post
Daca nu esti gay sau lesbi, n-are rost


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Bitza feat K-Gula cu vantu in fata

Etichete: , ,

Oare pt cine dimineata te trezesti
In fiecare zi incerci sa te intelegi
Si cand alegi sa gandesi toata lumea in jur te judeca
Tinzi sa crezi ca gresesti, nu uita,
Cine esti pt. multi nu mai conteaza
Tine sus cuvantul cand mergi cu vantu’n fata
Sunt altii ce cu spiritu’ pe culmea vietii stau de o viata
Invata de la ei, esti o parte din aceasta armata
Cu ochii in sus si lacrimile in suflet
Astepti ca cineva sa se opreasca sa te indrume
Tu ceri, tu dai, el ia iar n’ai
Si de pe fata ta treptat dispare orice zambet
Pana sa iti revii tu, stai cu ochii inchisi
Nu vrei sa te ridici cand asculti tot ce iti spun Si pt fiecare lucru ce apune in viata ta,
Tine capul sus
Doar tu te poti schimba

Cu vantu’n fata ai girja unde tragi
Cu vantu’n fata ai grija unde calci
Cu vantu’n fata ai grija daca vei scuipa,
Toate se intorc impotriva ta

Cu vantu’n fata, cu vantu’n fata mergi,
Te bucuri ca nu trebuie sa mai alergi
Nu stiu daca e rau, nu stiu daca e bine
Ca uneori nu alergi decat de tine
Pamantu’ asta e destul de mare pt. toti
D’asta nu pot sa imi explic atatea morti
Inutile, pt. un orgoliu,
Cate familii au trebuit sa poarte doliu
Ai grija atunci cand tragi
Vantul se schimba
Si poti sa iti ranesti
O sora, o mama, o fiica
Nu’ti fie frica
Totu’i trecator,
In viata asta un simplu trecator
Tre’ sa fii in decor
Tre sa iesi din decor
Onor primesc numai eroii la televizor
In viata de zi cu zi astea sunt drame
Si nici un lucru nu’i ce pare


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Inside Google Books: Why I gave my book away for free


Lily Allen - Not Fair


Oh he treats me with respect
He says he loves me all the time
He calls me 15 times a day
He likes to make sure that I'm fine
You know I've never met a man who's made me feel quite so secure
He's not like all them other boys
They're all so dumb and immature

There's just one thing that's getting in the way
When we go up to bed you're just no good
Its such a shame
I look into your eyes I want to get to know you
And then you make this noise and its apparent it's all over

It's not fair
And I think you're really mean
I think you're really mean
I think you're really mean
Oh you're supposed to care
But you never make me scream
You never make me scream

Oh it's not fair
And it's really not ok
It's really not ok
It's really not ok
Oh you're supposed to care
But all you do is take
Yeah all you do is take

Oh I lie here in the wet patch
In the middle of the bed
I'm feeling pretty damn hard done by
I spent ages giving head
Then I remember all the nice things that you ever said to me
Maybe I'm just overreacting maybe you're the one for me

There's just one thing that's getting in the way
When we go up to bed you're just no good
It's such a shame
I look into your eyes I want to get to know you
And then you make this noise and it's apparent it's all over

It's not fair
And I think you're really mean
I think you're really mean
I think you're really mean
Oh you're supposed to care
But you never make me scream
You never make me scream

Oh it's not fair
And it's really not ok
It's really not ok
It's really not ok
Oh you're supposed to care
But all you do is take
Yeah all you do is take

There's just one thing that's getting in the way
When we go up to bed you're just no good
It's such a shame
I look into your eyes I want to get to know you
And then you make this noise and its apparent it's all over

It's not fair
And I think you're really mean
I think you're really mean
I think you're really mean
Oh you're supposed to care
But you never make me scream
You never make me scream

Oh it's not fair
And it's really not ok
It's really not ok
It's really not ok
Oh you're supposed to care
But all you do is take
Yeah all you do is take
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Vali Sir Blues Racila & Tzetze - Stufstock 2006 - Vama Veche

Etichete: , ,

excelenta interpretare...


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Michael Jackson - They Don't Care About Us (Official Prison Version)


skinhead, deadhead, everybody gone bad
situation, aggravation, everybody allegation
in the suite, on the news, everybody dog food
bang bang, shock dead, everybodys gone bad.

all i wanna say is that
they don't really care about us
all i wanna say is that
they don't really care about us

beat me, hate me, you can never break me
will me, thrill me, you can never kill me
chew me, sue me, everybody do me
kick me, hike me, don't you black or white me


tell me what has become of my life
i have a wife and two children who love me
i am the victiom of police brutality, now.
i'm tired of being the victim of hate,
you're rapin' me of my pride
of for god's sake
i look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy....
set me free

skinhead, deadhead, everybody gone bad
trepidation, speculation, everybody allegation
in the suite, on the news, everybody dog food
black man, black mail, throw the brother in jail


tell me what has become of my rights
am i invisible cause you ignore me?
your proclamation promised me free liberty, now.
i'm tired of being the victim of shame
they're throwing me in a class with a bad name
i can't believe this is the land from which i came.
you know i really do hate to say
the government don't wanna say
but if roosevelt was livin',
he would't let this be, no no.

skinhead, deadhead, everybodys gone bad
situation, speculation, everybody litigation
beat me, bash me, you can never trash me
hit me, kick me, you can never get me


some things in live they just don't wanna see
but if martin luther was livin'
he wouldn't let this be

skinhead, deadhead, everybody's gone bad
situation, segregation, everybody allegation
in the suite, on the news, everybody dog food
kick me, hike me, don't you wrong or right me



da-mi 550 euro



In Memoriam MJ



Michael Jackson, regele muzicii pop, a murit


După ce a suferit un stop stop cardio-respirator în locuinţa sa, cântăreţul american, supranumit "regele muzicii pop", a murit la vârsta de 50 de ani, într-un spital din Los Angeles, informează TMZ.com. LA Times şi CNN au confirmat decesul artistului.
Video (2) Foto (1)
Michael Jackson, regele muzicii pop, a murit Vezi Galerie Articol
Michael Jackson, regele muzicii pop, a murit Vezi Galerie Articol

Institutul medico-legal din Los Angeles a confirmat decesul lui Michael Jackson.

Cel care a anunţat serviciul de urgenţe 911 a fost un frate al artistului. "Fratele meu, legendarul rege al muzicii pop, Michael Jackson, a murit joi, 25 iunie 2009, la ora locală 2.26 p.m. Se crede că a suferit un stop cardiac la el acasă. Cu toate acestea, nu se ştie cauza morţii sale până când nu vor fi cunoscute rezultatele autopsiei.", a declarat Jermaine Jackson.

Înainte să anunţe decesul, Los Angeles Times relata că starul pop a fost dus de urgenţă la un spital din Los Angeles de către un echipaj de pompieri paramedici, care l-au găsit fără suflare când au ajuns la domiciliul cântăreţului. Cotidianul afirma că paramedicii au făcut manevre de resuscitare cardiopulmonară la faţa locului, apoi au dus pacientul la centrul medical UCLA.

Sa ne amintim cu respect de cel care a fost un rege al muzicii pentru generatia sa.

Michael Jackson Dangerous

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Concurs organizat de Bobby Voicu: castigi un tv LG


Particip la Concursul LG, organizat pe blogul lui Bobby Voicu, concurs in urma caruia pot castiga televizorul LG LCD LH5000


McGogoo’s Hell - Suburban philosophy

McGogoo’s Hell - Suburban philosophy: "Arcane Future instaleaza antene parabolice Dolce si internet Clicknet in Bucuresti si judetele limitrofe.
CONTACT: arcane@mcgogoo.ro :: TEL: 0722.733.784 :: twitter: McGgooo
Clicknet 2 Mbps - 8 €/lună (9,52 € cu TVA"


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Hi-Q - Lose You


Hi-Q - Lose You (HD version) from eOk TV on Vimeo.

You came in a moment, I was alone
You gave me the sun with your eyes
I never let it go, never let it go
You kiss me and tell me you love me so
Forever you`ll be by my side
Never let me go, never let me go

When it`s cold, outside
You just got on by my si-i-ide
Don`t wanna lose you,
Don`t wanna lose you
When it`s cold, outside

How will I be whole again?
I will never fall in love this way
I never said I love you now,
I`m afraid to lose you, to lose you
How will I be whole again?
I will never fall in love this way
I`m loving every part of you
Don`t wanna lose you, don`t wanna lose you

Don`t wanna lose you ...

You kiss me and tell me you love me so
Forever you`ll be by my side
Never let me go, never let me go

When it`s cold, outside
You just got on by my si-i-ide
Don`t wanna lose you,
Don`t wanna lose you

How will I be whole again?
I will never fall in love this way
I never said I love you now,
I`m afraid to lose you, to lose you
How will I be whole again?
I will never fall in love this way
I`m loving every part of you
Don`t wanna lose you, don`t wanna lose you

(Don`t wanna lose you, lose you,
Lose you, lose you, lose you …)

How will I be whole again?
I will never fall in love this way
I`m lovïng every part of you
Don`t wanna lose you, don`t wanna lose you

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Charice Pempengco - Total Eclipse of the Heart


Charice Pempengco - Total Eclipse of the Heart

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Charice pempengco - unplugged



Charice Pempengco - I Will Always Love You



Charice Performs Note to God at Oprah.com [HQ]


Charice Performs Note to God at Oprah.com [HQ]

Video: Va spune ceva Charice Pempengco?

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Natalie Okri -10 Year Old Singer - Britains Got Talent 2009 Ep 6

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daca nu ati mai vzut de mult un talent exeptional... acum aveti ocazia:
Natalie Okri -10 Year Old Singer - Britains Got Talent 2009 Ep 6

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Download Fairytale: Alexander Rybak, Eurovision-2009.






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